
The notion of ‘plastic space’ introduced when Light and Space artists successfully unhinged colour from physical matter using light influences many aspects of my work.

This concept of energy transference to reflect light through a series of transparent acrylic rods, planes and apertures, to activate spatial volume and the experiencing body within to stretch perceptual abilities is the end game in these experiments. Inviting viewers to pause, to slow their hasty movements through time and space.

Light reacts to the slow moving molecules in glass and acrylic, using transparent casting acrylic allows me to trace the slow creep of colours energy, to chart its path in space. Unconventional material processes and exothermic reactions capture pockets of space. A series of spaces are uncovered and condensed into new spaces, new planes and unseen colours projected into space engage the viewer. Physical interaction with the work expands its symbiotic circle, extends its energetic reach and stretches our curiosity.

The creation of new spaces in this complex exchange is reliant on having skin in the game to fully engage with the energy of colour. Fleeting feelings I cannot articulate through language manifest in layers of material and colour, building meaning as others might construct sentences.



